Contacts & City Directory
Contacts & City Directory
Name & Title / Department
Phone & E-mail
Vince Sera, Mayor | (609) 266-7600 ext.212 | [email protected] |
Michael Riordan, Councilman-at-Large | (609) 266-7600 ext. 323 | [email protected] |
Neil Kane, Councilman-at-Large | (609) 266-7600 ext. 322 | [email protected] |
Karen Bew, Councilwoman – Ward 1 | (609) 266-7600 ext.321 | [email protected] |
Paul Lettieri, Councilman – Ward 2 | (609) 266-7600 ext.326 | [email protected] |
Dennis Haney, Councilman – Ward 3 | (609) 266-7600 ext.324 | [email protected] |
Mark Virgilio, Councilman – Ward 4 | (609) 266-7600 ext.325 |[email protected] |
Tige Platt, City Manager | (609) 266-7600 ext.212 | [email protected] |
Ryan Hurst, Deputy City Manager | (609) 266-7600 ext.212 | [email protected] |
Christine Murray, Acting City Clerk | (609) 266-7600 ext.220 | [email protected] |
Municipal Court | (609) 266-0440 | [email protected] |
Dana Wineland, Tax Collector | (609) 266-7600 ext.235 | [email protected] |
Al Stanley, CFO | (609) 266-7600 ext.213 | [email protected] |
Karen Blowers, Comptroller | (609) 266-7600 ext.210 | [email protected] |
Barbara Saccoccia, Tax Assessor | (609) 266-7600 ext.242 | [email protected] |
Police Department | (609) 266-7414, 9-1-1 Emergency |
Fire Department | (609) 266-2814 | [email protected] |
Jack Murray, Fire Prevention/Rental Inspection | (609) 266-3102 | [email protected] |
John Doring, Public Works | (609) 266-7800 | [email protected] |
Lt. Bill Stroby, Office of Emergency Management | (609) 266-7600 ext. 274 | [email protected] |
Construction and Zoning Office | (609) 266-7600 ext. 261| [email protected] |
James Mogan, Recreation Director | (609) 264-7350 Prompt #1| [email protected] |
Mollye O’Neill, Personnel Director | (609) 266-7600 ext. #218| [email protected] |
Beach Patrol Headquarters | (609) 266-5233| Seasonal |
Beach Fees, Tags, 4×4 Permits | (609) 264-7350 Prompt. #6| [email protected] |
Municipal Offices | (609) 266-7600 | [email protected] |
General Information
Change of Address Form
City Ordinances and Laws
Grant Opportunities
Master Plan
Special Events Permit
Wedding ceremonies, birthday parties, family reunions and employee gatherings are permitted on City property with a Special Event Permit.
To check availability on date and location please contact us.
Phone: (609) 266-7600 ext. 212
Email: [email protected]
Click here for the Special Event Application and Hold Harmless Agreement.
Special Event Permits are for non-exclusive access to a park or beach. Permit holders are not allowed to block or restrict access and may not force anyone to leave the location. Alcohol and vehicles are not allowed on any City property, parks or beaches. Special Event Permit holders are still required to obtain beach tags, parking permits or 4×4 permits when applicable.
For larger events like tournaments or sporting events, please use the application linked below:
Public Event Application – Fillable
Some events require a certificate of insurance. Click here for our insurance requirements.
To request a block party or road closure, please send a letter of request to the City Manager, stating a description of the event, dates/times, and location. All block parties and road closures must have approval from the public safety departments and City Council.
The letter can be emailed to: [email protected]
City of Brigantine Offices
Attn: Ryan Hurst
1417 W. Brigantine Ave.
Brigantine, NJ, 08203
Trash & Recycling
Municipal residential trash collection is provided by the City of Brigantine to all single-family, two-family, three-family and four-family detached or attached dwellings. All items must be put out no earlier than 4:00 pm the day prior to collection or by 7:00 am on collection day. Household trash must be in wheeled trash containers with lids, issued by the City. Failure to do so may result in a summons.
The City of Brigantine has provided residents with one trash and one recycling container. If additional 96-gallon trash or recycling containers are needed, they can be purchased by calling the Department of Public Works. The City of Brigantine is not responsible for damage caused to containers.
Trash Pickup Schedule:
Monday: 45th Street South to Bridge
Tuesday: Golf Course area
Wednesday: 14th St. North to 5th Street South
Thursday: 6th Street South to 23rd Street South
Friday: 24th 1/2 alley to 45th Street South
ACUA provides recycling collection biweekly; weekly from Independence Day through Labor Day. View schedule for exact dates.
Bulk Trash: Furniture and most other large items, as long as the items are not construction debris or hazardous waste. White Goods (appliances), Washers, Dryers, dishwashers and other appliances may be brought to our recycling yard for disposal or they may be scheduled to be picked up by calling the Public Works office at (609) 266-7800. Bulk trash is scheduled for collection on your trash day limited to two (2) items per collection.
Construction Debris: Public Works will NOT pick up construction debris. All construction debris is to be removed by the owner with a dumpster or by a private hauler.
*Beginning May 8, 2024, all Brigantine yard waste will be collected on Wednesdays or Thursdays.*
- Streets south of and including 25th Street South will be collected on Wednesdays.
- Streets north of and including 24th Street South will be collected on Thursdays.
Tree Limb Removal: Tree limbs are to be cut and tied up into four-foot bundles, and will be collected on the same schedule as the grass clippings (see above). If you have an excessively large amount of tree trimmings, it is the homeowners’ responsibility to remove.
Hazardous Waste Materials: Hazardous waste materials include oil-based paints, many cleaning agents, chemicals, etc. The Atlantic County Utilities Authority has a facility to drop off certain hazardous waste materials. Call (609) 272-6950.
If You Miss Your Recycling/Trash Day: Recyclables (glass, aluminum, plastic, cardboard, and paper) and household trash can be dropped off at the public works yard, located at 3605 Bayshore Avenue, with an entrance on 38th Street. The yard is open 7 days a week from 8:00 am to 4:20 pm. Batteries can also be dropped off at the public works yard.
Putting Trash Out for Collection Properly: Your trash should be bagged, and the bags placed in a metal or plastic trash can with a lid. Pleaste note: Containers must not weigh more than 50 lbs. If using a cart, this weight limit does not apply. No barrels or drums.
The trash should be put out at the curb no earlier than 4:00 pm on the day before your scheduled trash pick-up, but no later than 7:00 am on the day of your trash pick-up. After your trash has been collected, your trash cans should be removed from curbside/alleyway no later than 12:00 noon on the day after your trash pick-up.
If you have any further questions please call Public Works at (609) 266-7800.
The following link will lead you to your town’s collection information page. The pages include curbside pickup information, container guidelines and more. You can even sign up for a reminder, so that you won’t miss a collection day!
ACUA’s Recycling Guidelines: ACUA – Recycling Guidelines
Hazardous Waste Disposal at ACUA: ACUA – Hazardous Waste Disposal
Waste Wizard: ACUA – Waste Wizard
Consumer Confidence Report
Newsworthy & Notable
News & Project Updates
Atlantic City Electric – Notice of Smart Energy Network Construction
Tenant Resources in Atlantic County
Congratulations to the Brigantine Green Team
for receiving the Sustainable Jersey Collaboration Award!
This award goes to towns involved in the Friends Along the Mullica project, which focuses on 8 towns on the Atlantic County side of the Mullica River, with the mission of promoting, advocating and protecting the history and environment of the Mullica River Watershed. From this project, A documentary has been made, and it can be viewed on YouTube at:
Our very own John Doring, Public Works Superintendent, and Janette Kessler, Green Team Chairperson, are spotlighted in the film. The entire documentary is 1 hr, 24 mins; but to view the segment focusing on Brigantine, jump forward to approximately 57:30 through 1:08 on the video timeline.
Stories and Press Releases
- Brigantine featured in Press of Atlantic City for business growth attributed to City investments- Brigantine Business Growth
- New Jersey’s Favorite Beaches Poll 2021
Brigantine Wins Favorite Beach in Atlantic County!
Offshore Wind Updates
Offshore Wind Development
On Saturday February 11, 2023, the City of Brigantine hosted a meeting to discuss offshore wind development.
Click the link below to watch the meeting.
Beach Committee
Brigantine Clean Communities
New Jersey Clean Communities is a statewide litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act. The program is managed by the (New Jersey) Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Treasury, and Clean Communities Council. It’s supported by local governments, businesses, community organizations, schools and individuals who work together to keep New Jersey clean.
The Clean Communities Act, passed first in 1986 and later in 2002, establishes a funding mechanism for the program by placing a user-fee on manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors who may produce litter-generating products. The user-fee, collected by the Department of Treasury and disbursed by the Department of Environment Protection, generates approximately $14 million each year.
- In 2008 and years prior, $4 million was placed in the State Recycling Fund and then disbursed to municipalities in the form of recycling tonnage grants. Because of the passage of the Recycling Enhancement Act in 2008, this will no longer occur.
- $375,000 is disbursed to a non profit (currently the Clean Communities Council) for the implementation of statewide education related to litter-abatement.
- Of the balance, 80 percent goes to 559 municipalities, 10 percent goes to 21 counties, and 10 percent goes to the Division of Parks and Forestry located in the Department of Environmental Protection.
- There is hereby established the City of Brigantine Clean Communities Act Committee to make recommendations concerning the administration of the Clean Communities and Recycling Act, N.J.S.A. 13:1E-92 et seq., and to assist the City of Brigantine in developing and implementing regulations concerning the control of litter and other waste-generating activities and to collect such information concerning the program of waste and recycling activities as is required for any annual report relative to the application for and receipt of State of New Jersey aid for such programs available pursuant to N.J.S.A. 13:1E-99.2 and other provisions of law.The City of Brigantine Clean Communities Act Committee shall consist of five members, who shall serve terms of one year. Vacancies in the membership of the Clean Communities Act Committee shall be appointed by the City Council.The Recycling Coordinator and Control Officer, in the Department of Public Safety, shall serve as the advisor to the Clean Communities Act Committee.
New Jersey Clean Communities at the local level involves a three-fold attack on litter: cleanup, enforcement and education.
Brigantine Municipal Alliance to Prevent Substance use Disorder
There is hereby established within the City of Brigantine, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2C:35-15 and Chapter 51, Section 8, of the Laws of 1989 the Committee/Alliance to Prevent Alcohol and Drug Abuse, which shall consist of 15 members, who shall serve terms of one year.
Vacancies in the membership of the Committee shall be appointed by the City Council.
The purpose of the Committee shall be to promote moderation and responsibility in the use of alcoholic beverages and to make recommendations to the City Council concerning the City Council’s policy, legislation and the City’s administration of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. The purpose of the Committee shall also be to promote the elimination of drug abuse and to make recommendations to the City Council concerning the City’s policy and legislation and the City’s administration of the laws concerning enforcement and elimination of the use of controlled dangerous substances. The Committee shall be further empowered to apply for grants from the Drug Enforcement and Demands Reduction Fund, pursuant to law.
Please click link to see Prescription Medication Drop Box Information and resources on the prevention of substance abuse.
Prescription Drug Disposal – JOIN TOGETHER ATLANTIC COUNTY (
Economic Development & Tourism Committee
Green Team
Green Team represents a municipality in New Jersey that is registered with Sustainable Jersey. Green Teams provide the leadership to develop plans, implement programs and assist with educational opportunities that support the creation of a sustainable community.
If you would like to join the Green Team fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you soon…
There are lots of reasons to consider changing your way of life to a more Eco-friendly one. Going green has a great impact on the environment, your well being, and it may well also provide help to save lots and lots of money. Here are some of the reasons that can make you to save a piece of the earth and go green!
Going green is better for your health.
By going green, you’ll be exposed to fewer chemicals, so you will reduce the amount of toxins you breathe and put into your body. Fewer toxins in your blood stream will help you feel better, live longer, and be healthier.
Going green raises the value of your home.
By using green energy and installing solar panels in your home you can raise the value of your house and help the environment. You can also install water saving shower heads and toilet systems that will bring the value of your home up.
Going green can save you money.
By switching to green water saving and energy saving systems, you can save money on your electricity bill and your water bill. You will also save money by switching to cloth napkins and towels (and diapers and wipes if you have a child) because you won’t have to purchase new disposable ones every month. Another great way to save money and go green is by reusing and recycling things you usually throw away.
Going green is sustainable.
By living a more green and eco-friendly lifestyle, you will be reducing the amount of limited resources we consume like oil and fossil fuels. You can conserve natural resources by turning off the water often and unplugging electronics when they are not in use.
You will be helping to save the environment.
When you go green, you will help reduce the pollution and chemicals on the earth and in the air. You will also help to reduce the amount of trash in the landfill and in the ocean.
And this is only the tip of the iceberg. You can find a lot of reasons for which you can change your lifestyle and choose to go green today! Start reading through our website and see how can this change be good and healthy for your lifestyle and save the environment!
Recreation Commission
There is hereby reestablished the Recreation Advisory Commission of 12 members, who shall be residents of the City of Brigantine. Terms of office shall be for one year.
All members shall serve without compensation, and vacancies shall be appointed by the City Council.
The Recreation Advisory Commission shall:
- Advise the City Council and Manager as to recreation policies, proposed or existing ordinances, capital development and maintenance of facilities.
- Serve as the representative body for sports clubs and organizations, facilities use and sharing and programs of the City.
- Make recommendations to the Manager concerning the allocation of City funds to users to the City recreation facilities.
- Make recommendations to the Manager and the Council concerning the fees to be charged users of the facilities.
- Make recommendations to the Manager and the Council concerning the training and certification of youth sports coaches who use City facilities.
- Make recommendations to the City Manager and the Superintendent of Public Works concerning the day-to-day maintenance and operation of the recreation facilities.
Brigantine Beach Cultural Arts Commission
Community Information
Veteran’s Organizations
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6964
121 31st Street
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Contact: Mario Perrucci, Commander
Auxiliary of the VFW Post #6964
Contact: Laura Grentz
(609) 442-4547
American Legion Post #396
3218 W. Brigantine Avenue
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Contact: Joe Handle
(609) 266-9477
Sons of American Legion Post #396
3218 W. Brigantine Avenue
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Contact: Bob Kowaleski
(609) 266-9477
Brigantine Elks Lodge #2428
Veterans Service Committee
400 West Shore Drive
Brigantine, NJ 08203
Contact: Joe Kelly
(267) 994-7975
[email protected]
Brigantine Veterans Memorial Committee
121 31st Street
Brigantine, NJ 08203
VA Home Loan Centers – for assistance with obtaining a home loan please click on the links below:
Religous Assembly
Brigantine Bible Church (609) 266-7797 103 Bayshore Avenue Sunday School: 9:30 am Sunday Worship: 10:30 am Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 7:00 pm |
Community Presbyterian Church (609) 266-7942 1501 W. Brigantine Avenue Sunday Morning Prayer 8:00 am Traditional Worship 10:15 am Monday Contemporary Worship 7:00 pm |
Church of St. Thomas (609) 266-2123 331 8th Street South |
Temple Beth Shalom |
School Facilities
The School District is governed by the Brigantine Board of Education and operates as a Type 1 school district. The School Board consists of seven members who are appointed by the Mayor, the Council and the City Manager and serve staggered three-year terms.
The City of Brigantine School District provides early education, elementary, and middle school education to residents of the City at the Brigantine Community School. City students attending grades 9 – 12 are transported to Atlantic City High School in neighboring Atlantic City. The School District pays the tuition for Brigantine students. If the student does not attend Atlantic City High School, then he/she will attend either Holy Spirit in Absecon, or the Atlantic County Institute of Technology in Mays Landing. Our school district is located at 301 East Evans Boulevard, Brigantine, NJ 08203
Superintendent / Principal |
609-266-7671 |
Main Office |
(609) 264-9501 |
Attendance |
(609) 266-8159 |
Office of Admissions |
(609) 266-8591 |
Business Office |
(609) 266-3632 |
Attendance Office |
(609) 266-8159 |
Adult/Community Education:
The Brigantine Community Education and Recreation Program, cosponsored by the City of Brigantine and the Brigantine Board of Education, offers many courses, seminars and workshops to the citizens of Brigantine throughout the year. For more information about the C.E.R. Program offerings, click here.
More information can be found on:
Community Organizations
Local Brigantine Non-Profit Organizations |
Brigantine Baseball Assoc. |
Brigantine Rowing ClubKay Papandrew |
Brigantine Rams Football Assoc. |
Brigantine Beach Cultural ArtsMary De Marco |
Brigantine Hockey Assoc.Paul Kabala |
Brigantine Historical SocietyMary Simpson |
Brigantine Soccer Assoc. |
Municipal Alliance AgainstAlcoholism & Drug Abuse (DARE)Municipal Alliance |
Brigantine Garden Club1417 W. Brigantine Ave |
Brigantine Recreation Commission(609)-264-7350 |
Local Brigantine Service Organizations |
American Legion #396 | Brigantine Senior Shuttle (609) 264-7350 |
Brigantine Elks Lodge #2428 |
Brigantine Taxpayers Association Tina Chaplin (609) 264-0379 |
Brigantine Lions John D. Risso (609) 266-3161 |
Catholic Daughters of the Americas Anna May Ryan (609) 266-1931 |
Brigantine Chamber of Commerce Ken Schaffer (609) 800-2321 [email protected] |
Knights of Columbus Joseph Corrigan (609) 266-7161 |
Brigantine IAFF Local #2657 Peter Frugoli, President (609) 266-2814 |
NJ Beach Buggy Association Dennis Longley (609) 266-1828 |
Brigantine North School PTA Teri Gragg (609) 264-9501 |
Sons of Italy Mario Perrucci (609) 266-3574 |
Brigantine PBA Local 204 Corey Sprague, President 42nd St. & Bayshore Ave. (609) 266-7414 |
US Coast Guard Auxiliary Jeanne Stretch (609) 266-0894 |
Sheila Dean, Director |
Veterans of Foreign Wars #6964 Alex DiGiacomo (609) 266-9813 |
Senior Center
Senior Citizens age 60 and older and their spouses are invited to attend the Brigantine Senior Center. The Center hours are 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Each day a balanced lunch is served without cost. A one dollar donation is suggested to enhance the program. Meals are planned by a qualified nutritionist to supply at least one third of the day’s nutritional requirements. Seniors are asked to make reservations for meals at least two days in advance.
Atlantic County Seniors Centers are dedicated to providing services that enhance the educational, social and recreational lives of our seniors. Activities may include Bingo, Exercise, Mahjong, Pinochle, Trips, Yoga and more. Come out and enjoy the Center and while there you could lend your assistance by volunteering at the Center. Atlantic County provides transportation for seniors to the senior centers and to medical visits and shopping.
The address and phone number is:
Brigantine Beach Community Center
265 42nd Street,
Brigantine, NJ 08203
(609) 266-2891
Linda Nace is the County Coordinator for the Senior Center