Class Information
We offer a variety of group fitness, instructional, art, and youth programs throughout the year. Our calendar is broken down into four sessions: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Each session will run for 8 or 10 weeks based on instructor availability, and we do not permit drop-ins at this time. Brochures are released quarterly with class information for the upcoming session. Class availability changes each session; check the brochure or registration website for current offerings.
Pricing Information
Detailed pricing information can be found in the quarterly brochure or on the registration website.
Group Fitness
- For Seniors (age 60+): group fitness classes will be priced at $2.00 per class per session
- For Non-Seniors (age 18-59): group fitness classes will be priced at $5.00 per class per session
Art Classes
- Pastel Painting: $80 for Seniors, $130 for Non-Seniors
- Drawing: $80 for Seniors, $130 for Non-Seniors
- Painting with Acrylics: $100 for Seniors, $150 for Non-Seniors
- Watercolor: $80 for Seniors, $130 for Non-Seniors
Instructional Classes
- Crochet Class: $100
- Digital Photography Class: $35 for Seniors, $70 for Non-Seniors
Youth Programs
- Chess for Kids: $60
- Kid’s Art: $65
Registration Information
Registration is available online through our platform, RecDesk or in-person at the CER. Registration through RecDesk will require payment with a credit card. Anyone looking to pay with a check will be required to come to the CER to register in-person. We do not accept cash or registrations over the phone.
If you or someone you know does not have a device with internet access, the CER has provided instructional training to the Brigantine Library and its staff, so they are available to help anyone using a library computer.
To access the online registration platform, click this link: brigantine.recdesk.com.
Click here to access an instructional packet on viewing and registering for programs.
All questions about the new online registration process can be directed to the CER by calling (609) 264-7350 ext. 1.