Christine Murray
Acting City Clerk
Phone: (609) 266-7600 ext. 221
E-Mail: [email protected]
As Acting City Clerk, Christine Murray assists with administering the affairs of the City, including attending Council meetings and providing for the taking and preparation of minutes therefore; compilation, preservation, indexing and publication of all ordinances and resolutions, and numerous other duties as specified in the City Code.
Among the many tasks related to the Office of the Municipal Clerk, one of the core duties is to maintain custody of all minutes, books, deeds, bonds, contracts, ordinances, resolutions and archive records of the municipal corporation and provide information in a timely and efficient manner and provide technical assistance to individuals and public officials. The City Clerk’s Office prepares and distributes Council meeting agendas and is also responsible for keeping the Council knowledgeable of State directives and objectives. The Clerk’s Office records Oaths of Office as well as issues licenses/permits as authorized by the Governing Body and New Jersey Statutes.
Within the Office of the Municipal Clerk is the Registrar of Vital Statistics. The Registrar records marriages, domestic partnerships, civil unions, births and deaths. The Clerk’s Office is also responsible for assisting the County with elections and voter registration
The Municipal Clerk’s responsibilities as defined by New Jersey Statutes include: Secretary to the Governing Body, Secretary to the Municipal Corporation, Administrative and Licensing Officer, Election Administrator, and Records Coordinator and Manager.
The City Clerk’s Office is the place to go for:
- Voter Registration Information
- Elections – Primary/General/Municipal
- Copies of Resolutions and Local Ordinances
- Marriage Licenses
- Marriage, Birth and Death Records
- Archival Information
- Yard Sale Fee
- Dog Licenses
- Cat License
- Government Records (OPRA) Request Form
- eCode360 Booklet
Brigantine Voting Locations & Ward Map
The link below will open a map, outlining all four voting wards. Please use the tools, on the toolbar at the top, to zoom in or out and rotate the sheet. For questions regarding voter registration, please contact the City Clerk’s Office 609-266-7600 ext. 221.
Voting Locations
- Ward -1: Brigantine Golf Links, 1 Golf Course Drive
- Ward -2: City Hall Lobby, 1417 W Brigantine Ave
- Ward -3: Brigantine Beach Community Center
- Ward -4: Brigantine Beach Community Center
- Departments
- Beach Patrol
- City Clerk
- City Engineer
- City Manager
- Community Education & Recreation
- Brigantine Fire Department
- Construction Office
- Court
- Finance
- Brigantine Fire Department
- Fire Prevention Bureau
- Office of Emergency Management
- Brigantine Planning Board
- Brigantine Police Department
- Public Works
- Personnel
- Purchasing
- Tax Assessor
- Tax Collector